SAMES: Stic-Asie Modeling for Environment and Simulation

(Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, 2016)


Environment is in constant evolution: climate, oceans, biology are evolving and often it is out of control of the society. We need to understand and follow these changes closely and check choice rationalities.

Fortunately science and technique progresses bring new tools to do it with sensor elaboration, wireless communication, distributed design, high performance computing and data-mining.

The SAMES project is building coherent tools to represent physical processes and observation systems. Physical processes are of many kind : pollution spreading in air or water, flooding effects of intensive rains, effect of climate behavior on insects... Observation systems are distributed sensing machines that collect information locally, elaborate diagnostics on physical process, and report these diagnostics. Wireless communications are a key point, and distribution on sensing points must match physical reality constraints.


A project dedicated to environment observation methods and tools

  1. Bullet LabSTICC, Université de Brest

  2. Bullet CIRELA association, Paris

  3. Bullet UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD/UPMC

  1. Bullet CTU, Cantho University, Vietnam

  2. Bullet IFI, VNU, Hanoi, Vietnam

  1. Bullet BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesia